How to buy
In the top right-hand menu, click on “My account”. In the screen below, you will see the welcome guest. Click on “Get into your account” that appears in another color, in the central upper part.
In the box of “ I am client” enter your email address and your password. Click on “Enter” you will see that on the next screen it welcomes you personally with your name. If you have forgotten your password,click on “Forgot your password?”. In the screen that appears below, enter your email address and click “Continue”. You will receive an automatic email message in the email that you have provided, with a new password.
If this is the first time that you access to the SHOP&BUY in it is very easy.
Just take a few minutes to register and you can then place orders via internet.
Below we show you how to register:
Click on “My account” link to create a new account, by selecting the “New customer” section. Click “Continue”.
Then appears a form to enter their data. Please, it is imperative that all mandatory fields are filled.
It is very important that you verify your email address, later it will need to enter in the buy section or contact the managers of the store.
Date of birth, follow the proposed example, month, day, year 21/05/1970. The list of countries is in English in an automatic way, remember to choose Spain.
Finally, the password that you choose, you have to write the key that will be easier to recall on several occasions. To enter the stor you will need therefor, your email address and your password. If lack some data, the form will tell, asking you to correct and indicating how. Click continue.
The next screen informs you that your account has already been created. If you click on “Continue” you will see the custom greeting that welcomes you, with your name .Now you can see the products offered and choose what interests you. For more information about a product by clicking on it, you can see a detailed description.
We are going to do a proof of purchase. Imagine that, after registering and have viewed the products offered on the web, decides that he wished to make an order of two rice.
The first thing we will do is click on the image of the product that will take us to an extensive description of the same, at the end of the page, select the “Add to cart” button. The backet is displayed on screen. In “Quantity”, we set 2, and as we will not purchase any other product in this example, click the button “Checkout” (Where we would like to purchase another product, the process would be the same, we would be adding products by selecting the button “Continue shopping” and we click on “Checkout” only once we have chosen all the products of our interest). In the screen that appears then we can visualize our data. We will have the option to change the delivery address, where we would like the product reaches another different site to the address we gave in the beginning. We can add a comment in the purchase orde, which shall be taken into account by the managers. Click “Continue”.
The next item, the method of payment allows us to also change the billing address, as well as add comments. Billing, as indicated in the section “Terms delivery” (at the left bottom of the left side menu of the web), performed by different forms of payment. Click “Continue”. We can now see all the order data that we are going to perform.
The Forms of payment (Trencall C.B. with CIF E 53840740) offers its customers two different forms of payment : Institution web site, asked you where your card number and expiration date. For your peace of mind, the bank guarantees absolute security, that both your data and your card travel encrypted through secure server SSL. Provided by this financial Institution.
If you pay by credit card at the time of delivery of the order, the deposit will have to be pay in cash.
In the event that there was no coverage of GPRS POS company wouldn’t charge and the amount will be paid in cash.
In cash: at the delivery of the order.
The Arrosimes team (Under the direction of the Trencall Restaurant)